Cry, Metamorphosis, and Growth(2)
We have more or less unknown negative sentiments hidden in the warehouse of our sentiments. In the process of crying, we will begin to review ourselves naturally by venting such unknown sentiments─ Naturally, we will cry aloud, even similar to baby crying, and then we will become confident and reasonable after crying.
One of my friends had cried for seven days, because his pet passed away. How come was he so sad and sorrowful merely because of the death of his pet? He did not know the reason, either.
Later, when I gossiped with him, I finally know the true reason hidden behind his emotional breakdown─ he sticks to his emotion too much, unable to let go. The sudden separation with his pet made him recall his helplessness and fear when he was abandoned by his family temporarily. In his appearance, he was sad for the death of his pet. In fact, he was sad due to his separation with his family in his early childhood. By relieving his sentiments for seven days, he was able to understand the cause and then became relieved gradually.
Adults tend to refrain themselves because they may feel shameful. Especially, “a man should not cry easily” as the old saying goes, many men are refrained from venting their sentiments. On the contrary, women are more sentimental, and they tend to vent their feelings by crying.
We all have sentiments. We can prepare tissues and a garbage can, and then vent our emotional garbage wholeheartedly, as long as we are in a secret place we feel safe and unrestricted, ex. in our own rooms or within our cars.
If our frieno vent their sorrow continuously. Everyone will feel better and have clearer thoughts and confidence, after is/her emotion
~~Raymond Hsu~~